
    Hi, my name's Yvonne the Ha /shakes hand. I like making friends :) I like being happy and cheerful cos it makes life easier :D I like sharing cos it's caring :D I like being nice cos you get treated better :D I like music cos I love it and it puts me to sleep at night :D
When I grow up, I wanna speak Japanese fluently, become a millionaire, have a nice wedding in the future and travel the world!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

But I'm A Sucker When It Comes To Pretty Eyes

I've been hardcore studying with a few distractions x)
So, I have a science test coming up this week, and I am studying so hard for it! Sorta..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Easy Come, Easy Go, That's Just How You Live,

I hate how I keep procrastinating to do homework! 
I keep getting distracted T____T
I told myself at the start of the year that I was gonna try soooo hard in year 10...
Hmmm, anyway
Here's what I have to do:
- Chinese oral
- Maths assignmet

Yeah, and I can't really do my maths cos I left the sheet in my locker..AND IT'S DUE ON MONDAY! I HATE LIFE SO MUCH AT THE MOMENT!
Oh well, I can ask other people :DD

Out of All the Pretty Girls in This Club I Wanna Know What's Your Name

I'm about to go see my baby niece soon can't wait! YARYARYARYARYARYAR

I Cried My Last Cry With You

Although 2011 has started off as a very shit year, it's getting better though =)
& One thing I'm looking forward to 2011 is my cousin's wedding! HEHEHEHE
But it's in August so there's still awhile =/
Anyway, a few weeks ago my aunty from America sent me lots & lots of pretty clothes and dresses for the wedding! 
They're all so pretty and good quality aswell! 

My favourite one:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

This Could Be Dangerous

I get really pissed off when people, well actually, GIRLS, try to act all tough and shit when really, they're not
Like, when they say "I'll bash you!" that really pisses me off
But I could undrestand why they do it though...sorta
I don't even know what I'm talking about :S
But anyways, yeah it pisses me off when girls try to act tough when they're really not
I'm not saying it's wrong for a girl to be tough, but you shouldn't ACT tough
I dunno how many times I've said "tough" 

Now I admit, I'm not a person who usually does anything back to someone, if that makes sense
If someone tries messing with me, I don't usually mess back, I try to stay calm, and ignore it, you may even think I'm weak! Maybe I am, but I just don't like getting into bad situations 
& some girls may say that they don't care when someone hates them, but I do! I actually care when someone hates me, I dunno why, but that's just me
I want to know why they hate me, and I want to try and get along with them
It's actually really hard for me to hate someone, I just get annoyed at people easily 
So when I do hate someone, I DO hate them, a lot! 
I get scared easily, I worry too much, I do care what people think of me sometimes, I'm pretty sensitive and I don't usually try to get into bad situations
But I do get pissed when jokes get overboard, I get annoyed really easily, I do try and reason with people when I think they've said something wrong and sometimes I do take my anger out on people, but I try not to xD

Anyway, I don't really know if this blog made any sense x)~ 
I hope it does...

Friday, February 18, 2011

That's Right Baby, I'm Going Crazy, & If I Be Yo Lady, I've Been Thinking Maybe

2011 has started off very rough for me =/
Everything seems so different, nothing seems to be the same, it's like I'm in a different world 

I feel like I don't belong, I don't feel comfortable anywhere I go
I'm sick of being stuck in the middle, I'm sick of feeling like this! I find it hard to smile, or tell my problems to someone now
Whenever something's on my mind, I'd always have someone to depend on, someone I can talk to about my problems to, but now, I feel like I'm not able to tell anyone, and just keep my problems to myself
Even if I could tell someone, I don't think they'd understand, and the only person who'd really understand would just be me =/

I also find letting go of something very hard to do
I know I should let go already, but I can't seem to do it! I know that if I keep going like this, I'm just going to hurt myself
But if I let go of something, that won't neccessarily stop the pain 
It's hard to make the right decisions in life,  there's always a 'but' to everything you do 

I'm hating life, hating everything at the moment! Right now, the weather outside is all dark and gloomy, just like how I feel right now

But I know that these unhappy days will go, maybe not so soon, but they'll eventually fade away and I'll be myself again =) The optimistic me! I've just gotta wait... 

"Inside every bitterness, there's always a sweet side to it"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Perfect two

So like, I was thinking before, is it good or important to have high standards in a partner? Like, is it good to want a lot of qualities in someone?
I remember I used to have like HIGH and I mean HIGH standards in a guy, oh man I was crazy back then!
These were basically all the things I wanted in a guy:

1) He HAD to play the piano
2) Had to be a half-cast or some sort
3) Had to have good fashion sense
4) Good hair
5) Buff yet not too buff
6) Danced 
7) Good singer
8) Can compose, so that he'd write a song for my birthday or valentines
9) Not those sporty type of guys

Yeah, that was what I wanted in a guy. But now, when I think about it, a guy like that probably doesn't even exist x)
What's the real point in having so much qualities in a partner? Are you actually gonna have more feelings towards them? Isn't love about having feelings towards someone and wanting to be with them for the rest of your life? And not what they have in qualities? If the most important thing about finding a partner is their qualities, then that'll just be like shopping, and it won't be that special anymore

It pisses me off when people have high standards in a partner. I mean, you're never gonna meet someone that's gonna be up to your standards, even if you did, you'd probably be dreaming.
& when you find that special someone, they're probably not gonna have any of the qualities you want them to have
To me, I think that the most important thing about love is meeting someone you feel a special connection with, someone you can trust and spend the rest of your life with them (but then again, what the hell do I know about love? I've never fallen in love before, if I did, I'd be with that person right now)

So now, I don't expect anything in a guy, I'm just gonna wait for someone special out there that I'm gonna enjoy being with =)
Just not now though, cos I have better things to fulfill right now xD

that was a bit, corny

Down 4 U

Wow, I haven't blogged for a very, very long time
Anyways, I've been thinking, maybe I should start blogging about my opinions on stuff? Because I have a lot of opinions in stuff :) Plus, I find it easier blogging about that than my days, that's so much effort! Well, net really x) But, anyways, I kinda miss blogging now, so I'm gonna start afresh :) 
