
    Hi, my name's Yvonne the Ha /shakes hand. I like making friends :) I like being happy and cheerful cos it makes life easier :D I like sharing cos it's caring :D I like being nice cos you get treated better :D I like music cos I love it and it puts me to sleep at night :D
When I grow up, I wanna speak Japanese fluently, become a millionaire, have a nice wedding in the future and travel the world!

Friday, January 29, 2010

I Can't Let You Go, I Keep Trying but I can't Girl, it's Impossible, I miss you too bad

I'm only in 2 classes with Michelle dammit T____T
and NO classes with Amy
I hate my new classes!
I miss my year 8 classes, everything seemed oh, so easy and not so complicated 

No matter what we do, all I Think About is You

You're great friends with someone, and you find out you start developing feelings for each other, and then you realise that that person likes you back aswell, so you become a couple, but then, things start to go wrong, and you know that you guys are better off as friends, but once you break up with them, it's too late, cos you hurt one another, and once you said yes, it's already an end to your friendship
and yes, I, ME, MYSELF said this, no copy and pasting, not stolen from any song lyrics or whatsoever.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Be Afriad, To Fall In Love, Cos I Don't Believe In Givning Up

first day of school? well, let's just say although it was easy, it wasn't as much of a bludge as i thought it would've been x]
I don't really wanna go much into detail, cos I cbf x]
Well, let's just say my new HG is 9v24. Everyone's the same, as in, it's the same people in my class. Michelle, Jomar, Katherine, Anthony, etc. etc. 
My HG teacher is MADAM Le Doledec, the French teacher.
One word, Srict
Told me to take my bow of cos apparently it was....too fancy.
I got soo pissed!
Everyone knows me for the girl who wears a bow, and if I don't wear my bows, my hair is incomplete -.-
So, my new Chinese teacher is Ms. Zhang
Boy, is she strange!
She told us about where she came from and about the weather and she said ..."the winter is cold, and the summers are warm" and me me and michelle were like, we NFS!
and we started cracking up laughing :D
My maths teacher is Mr. Skoumbros, he's easy :)
and I'm in the extended class for maths :)
but none of my close friends -.-
I really hate my new classes, none of my classes are with the people I wanna be in, sucks. 
I have P.E last lesson tmr -.-
And I don't think that I'll be screwed doing sports at the end of the day FML.

Nothing to a love like what we got

Oh baby, I know sometimes it gonna rain
But baby, can we make up now?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain
Can't sleep through the pain

Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
Oh no no no

oh how I'd love to learn how to sing

Monday, January 25, 2010

Somebody wanna hear a bedtime song, Baby let's, take, a shower together

I just realised my time's wrong..whoops

Katherine Tran

Since Katherine's blogging about me, let me blog about her :)!
Well, let's see, I met her since I was in year 4 I think? when we went to pennington together for maths :)
I remember when we in Mr. Quacks class, ah good times ♥
And then we were in Ricky Freytag's class for year 5, good memories there aswell ♥
But after that, we didn't talk to each other until last year when we both went to adelaide high! ;D
And now we tight buddies and I Love Her :)
But not as much as I love Chocolate Milk MWAHHAHAHAHA
I don't know what to say....Katherine is Kool with a K, because K stands for her name aswell, ka ching ;D

Cause You're Shining Like a Glo Stick, Girl You Got Me So Sick

                                                  MASSIVE DROOLS

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sweet Little Bumble Bee...I forgot the lines x]

WHOAH DAYUM! i haven't blogged in 1 trillion billion gazillion...seconds!
so let me continue, 
on the 20th of wednesday i went korean bbq with those mates from adl high ;D
now let me tell you how i got there and how i ate and how i went to the toilet and how i came home smelling like shiet :)

so sandra arrived at my house around 3 30? and we then waited for my old man to come back
he was late because the car had to be fixed T______T
when it was FOUR o'clock he FINALLY arrived
making us late, very late T___T
then when we FINALLY go to the front of rundle mall, he dropped me and sandra off and we went to darells to meet up with michelle and brenden ;)
hmm, let me see what happened...ah yes!
we went into toys 'r us ;D
and i bought a black rose for 98c! and they made me pay 1 buck for it1 D:
we mucked around and stuff in there ;P
i started pressing those 'try me' toys and everyone started staring at me /rolls eyes


i checked the time and saw that it was 5 15 D: SHIT!
and we had to get there at 5 30 D:
so we walked there and got there at 5 31 
WOW i remember the time exactly O_O
when we got there, we met up with minh tan, katy, and candy ;D
we then went in there and pigged out bby ;D
when me and michelle went to get our food, she freaking made me laugh and drop my food <__<

Yvonne: Ooh, I want some calamari! (reads tag) I mean squid rings! 

Michelle: That's the same thing you freak! 

/starts cracking up laughing and then I drop my food -_-

we ate and ate and ate and ate until we got so fat that we got stuck in the door! D:

i joke man! eew, yuck eugh!

i love ox tongue ♥

after we pigged out in korean bbq, we went to sugarbowl

when me and katy and minhtan and brenden were walking there, we saw this freak!

like, eugh! he kept yelling out SALE SALE SALE! or sthing xD


i ordered a fried ice-cream and it came so quick D:

no one was eating and it made me feel like a pig -_-

oh wait, michelle and candy when to another shop to buy ice-cream and came back to sugarbowl xD

i forced sandra to get a nut sundae so that i wouldn't feel like a pig ;D

after that her father drove us home and i had a shower as i stunk like shiet :D

The End


Thursday, January 14, 2010

U Had It All, U Had Me, I had You, I Love You

chyoo! i cut my fringe...once again!


Oni, Oni, Giri, Giri, Onigiri

so recently, I've been watching this anime called 'Aishiteruze Baby'
It's soooo effing ADORABLE! ^^
it's kinda old though, but oh well xD

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So Perfect, Yeah, So Flawless, Yeah, In Every Single Way

Let Me Say O-Oh

so yesterday was a fun yet exhausting day xD
i went towning with my good good best very good buddy amy ;D

so, i woke up at 8? if i remembered correctly
and i got myself ready, like doing the usual stuff xD
and around, 10 30? my mummy drove me to the bus stop 
it was around 11 when i got to darells, 
a few minutes later, i saw this pretty girl, also known as amy, coming towards darells
we gave each other a hug and walked and talked ;D

we walked up and down rundle mall, and then we went to chinatown to sushi-train it ;D
we decided to walk it there for exercise ;D
the weather was bad ass T___T
started to rain heaps! and my hair went down because of it x] 
oh, and amy's jeans got soaked aswell
after the very wet walk, we were FINALLY there
it was soo effing crowded O_O
but luckily, they had two spare seats ;D
the sushis looked oh so nice 
we grabbed the teriyaki balls i think? xD
haha, they were nice ;D then i grabbed a plate of this chicken, and since it was spicy, very very VERY spicy, we couildnt finish it all xD
ok, let me fast-forward here a bit
before we left, we grabbed some ice-cream :D
i got mango, and amy grabbed green-tea ;D
after that, we started our journey back to rundle mall ;D and guess what? we WALKED there again x]
we then went to hindley's mg to go take sticker photos to kill time ;D 
they turned out pretty cool/nice (H)
when we were walking back to rundle, guess who we saw?...CHERIE ^^ with shermaine ;D
we gave each other a hug, and talked for a bit, and then me and amy walked back to rundle mall
so let me fast-forward a bit, correction, a LOT
we walked the WHOLE of rundle mall
no joke T___T our feet were exhausting ass! x]
then we decided to tram it to chinatown and take the bus home from there ;D
we went into kawaii fashion, and we then went our seperate ways and bussed it back home ;D

scroll down for pictures :

 our laptops for next year for school

when i have a kid, i'm buying those shoes for him/her

i now understand that maccas is popular, VERY popular


  expensive ass! i want one! xD


Monday, January 11, 2010

I Gotta Let Go, Girl You're Weighing Me Down, If I Keep Holding Onto You, Baby Both of Us Will Drown

so a few days ago, I was looking up stuff on the net
And I found this old drama from 2000, 'The Duke of Mount Deer'
I watched it when I was young and I LOVED it
now, Im trying to see if I could dl it again xD
It's one of my all-time favourite drama ;D

so anyway, since it was from a long time ago, I don't really remember much of the story xD
all I remember that there was this guy called 'Xiao Bao'
and he had SEVEN wives :)
and he was great buddies with the emperor :)
its a really good drama filled with laughter and sadness :)
well, that's what I remember it being xD

so anyways, I looked up on youtube 'The Duke of Mount Deer'
and saw this fan-made video
It's so good! well, I think it is
I love the song ^^
Ni Ai Wo Xiang Shui By Dicky Cheung 

Ruby Lin is sooo cute in this drama!

and I can't believe I did a whole blog about this drama!

and I usually can't be stuffed blogging about my days xD

It's You, and Me, Let Me Play the Lead Role in our Wildest Dreams

so, i think it was...last wednesday? i was suppose to blog about it yeah? xDD
well, it's now a monday & i STILL haven't blogged about it x]
this proves how lazy i am x]
but wednesday wasnt THAT great, although it was vey exhausting x]
so, let me start off with:

at around 8, my alarm went on, so i hoped/jumped/skipped/walked/ran out of bed, and made breakfast to eat :)
after eating, i brushed my teeth & washed my face, & etc. etc. etc. :)
when it was around 11, i went to catch the bus and off i went to town :)
i texted stellar when i got to town, saying that im in front of darells waiting for her :)
then that son of a hoe told me to walk to toys 'r us -__________-
when i arrived at toys 'r us, she told me that she was upstairs, but i since i was too lazy, i told her i'd wait for her down stairs :)
when she FINALLY came down stairs, i gave her a hug ;D
and there, i met her other friends, Bao (actually, that's her BOYFRIEND xD) matthew & phi
so what happened after that?
i dont know -_____-
so let's fast -forward, shall we? :)
we went to the food court and met up with these two other guys phong & andy
i also met these two other friends of stella, amy & janine :)
i don't remember much that happened cos my memory's bad ass x]
all i remember was that we went to chinatown to go to sugarbowl & bought bubble tea
but since sugarbowl was CLOSED, we walked back to rundle x]
now, i shall fast-forward till around 5ish?
we went back to chinatown and to go to sugarbowl. but, we went to morning glory first & i bought gatsby & THEN we went to sugarbowl. i ordered a nut sundae 
it was noice ;D
after that, i had to go home
& so as i was walking to victoria square to catch my bus, i saw it near the crossing.
but LUCKILY, there was a red light, so i ran to the stop and luckily, i got onto the bus /phew
and that was basically what happened on wednesday :)


tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! the day i see amy ^^
cant wait!


                                 When I grow up, I wanna be like L ;D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Like my fingers on a Grand Piano

so, i was reading through some of my previous posts,

and i noticed that i used the words - yeah, anyways, lmaos technically thats not a word but who cares and then, funny shiet 
a LOT in my posts x]
so, for the next few blogs i'll be posting, i'll try to stop using those words because

1) makes blogs seem boring
2) makes me look like I'm a lazy bum, although I am xD
3) things get boring when used more than once :)

it's currently 12:31
Im getting kinda tired
If my parents find me still awake, they'll feed me to the dog next door...AND THEN THEY'LL EAT THE DOG!
ok, maybe i exaggerated a little /rolls eyes

from awhile ago 


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ooooh, I'll be your temporary boyfriend, and you can be my first lover baby ;D

haha, anyways!
my beloved sister cherie is back from singapore! ^^
missed her soo frigging much!
ooOooOoh, and she got her hair coloured red ^^
hehe, cant wait to see it on the 20th ^^


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You're my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Breaker

i have had a loong and exhausting day today T_T
i cannot be screwed blogging about it now!
maybe tmr, maybe tmr

Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's rewind, Take me back to the exact point where I went Wrong

wow, can you believe that it's...2010 now? O_O
1/1/10, the date seems kinda...weird O_O
no more O's in front of a number now x]
if that makes sense
a decade has gone past so quickly O_O
and a decade ago...i was a four year old! oh, well nfs yvonne T_T

so anyways, the year 2009 was a greeeeat year!
made soo many new friends and met soo many people!
i finally realised who were my real friends, and what the meaning of 'Friends' is
Lmaos, wow, took me like, 13 years to finally figure out the meaning of 'Friends' :L

so anyways, moving on!
I made many, many, MANY MANY memories
And because my brain is the size of a walnut, here's SOME memories of 2009 that I could remember:

- Year 8 Camp  - ahhh god, the place where I met Jenny
- Chinatown Excursion
- Open Night ;) - oh god, i'll never forget about Open Night
- Easter Holidays
- Michelle's Bday
- Ice-Skating with the bunch of people from OLSH and BPS
- My bday ;)
- Katherine's Bday
- First time paddleboating
- Last day of Year 8
- Melbourne ;D

and that's all i can think of, although i KNOW there's many more x]
and now, i finally understand what a blog is REALLY used for - to store all the memories we had incase for times like these T___T

2009 is a year I will defianetely not forget
It was a year that changed my life
It was full of UPS and DOWNS 
A year full of memory, full of lose, full of friendship, full of love   man, that sounds cheesy xD
But yeah, Ive been through SOO much this year! 
Like seriously, Ive learnt soo much!
And I understand more about life
And how to be a person
2009 is a year that has definitely made me become a more better person 
If anyone's reading this, you'll meet be thinking like 'wtf!??! O_O a bit serious there!'
But yeah, I really wanna express my feelings towards the great year I have been through :)

2009 <3

I can't believe that it's an end...

I confess that in 2009 I...

(♥) stayed single for the whole year
() made out in/on a car
() kissed in the snow
() celebrated Halloween
(♥) kissed in the rain
(♥) had your heart broken
() broke someone else's heart
() had a stalker possibly
() went over the minutes on your cell phone possibly
() had a good relationship with someone well, i had a good FRIEND relationship xD
() someone questioned your sexual orientation
() gotten pregnant
() had an abortion
() have a relationship with someone you'll never forget
(♥) done something you've regretted
(♥) lost faith in love
() kissed under a mistletoe


() took an honors/advanced class
() broke the dress code
() sent to the principles office for misbehavior
(♥) got straight A's
(♥) met one teacher you really like
(♥) met one teacher you really hated
() failed a class
() skipped school
(♥) did something you were proud of
() discovered a new talent
() proved yourself you were an idiot
(♥) embarrassed yourself in front of the class
() fell in love with a teacher
() intentionally tripped someone at school
(♥) were involved in something you'll never forget


() painted a picture
(♥) wrote a poem
() ran a mile
(♥) posted a blog
(♥) listened to music you couldn't stand
() went to a sleepover
(♥) went camping
() threw a surprise party
(♥) laughed till you cried
(♥) laughed till you peed in your pants
() visited a foreign country
(♥) cut in a line of waiting people
(♥) told someone you were busy when you weren't
() celebrated the new year
(♥) cooked a disastrous meal
(♥) lost something/someone important to you

In 2009 I...

() broke a promise
(♥) lied
() went behind your parents back posibbly
(♥) cried over a broken heart
() disappointed someone close
(♥) hid a secret
(♥) pretended to be happy
() slept under the stars
() kept your new years resolution
(♥) forgot your new years resolution
(♥) met someone who changed your life
() met someone famous
(♥) changed your outlook on life
(♥) sat home all day doing nothing
() pretended to be sick
() left the country
() almost died
(♥) given up something important to you
() lost something expensive
(♥) learned something new about yourself
(♥) tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
(♥) made a change in your life
(♥) found out who your true friends were
(♥) met great people
() stayed up til sunrise
(♥) Cried over the silliest thing
() was never home on weekends
() got into a car accident
(♥) had friends who were drifting away from you
() had someone close to you die
(♥) had a high cell phone bill
(♥) spent most of your money on food
() had a fist fight
(♥) went to the beach with your best friend
() saw a celebrity
(♥) gotten sick
() liked more than 5 people at the same time
(♥) became closer with a lot of people