
    Hi, my name's Yvonne the Ha /shakes hand. I like making friends :) I like being happy and cheerful cos it makes life easier :D I like sharing cos it's caring :D I like being nice cos you get treated better :D I like music cos I love it and it puts me to sleep at night :D
When I grow up, I wanna speak Japanese fluently, become a millionaire, have a nice wedding in the future and travel the world!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Girl you're weighing me down

since when was the last time i blogged? o_O
well, it's been awhile xDD

so anyways, yesterday i came back from melbourne :D
stayed there for about four or five days xDD

day 1: i woke up around 5ish? got dressed and helped pack the car up. then, when the car was packed, my old man, mummy, sister and i hoped in the car and drove to my dear best-best friend brenden's house :) we arrived at around 6ish? and waited for sandra's family to come. we waited till 6 30 and then they FINALLY came. then, we started our looonnng ass trip to melbourne. at around 5, we FINALLY arrived to the beautiful city of melbourne :D i saw all the tall buildings of melbourne and as we were driving closer and closer to the city, we turned left and went into footscray, where we were staying. when i saw the motel we were staying at, i nearly fainted man T___T GROSS ASS!when my dad opened our room, it frigging stunk like cigarettes T__T anyway, thats end of day 1.

day 2: there was a MASSIVE boxing day sale in melbourne! we woke up at 6:30 man T__T and left at 8. we went to this HELL high-classed shopping centre! it was so high-classed that they didnt have cheap as chips O_O so anyways, we spent like literally 10 mins to park the car T_T then everyone met at the front of david jones, and from there, we split up :) i bought 3 valleygirl tops and a pair of shoes from hype. 20% off man!you'd NEVER have a sale in hype in adelaide! so after the massive shopping spree, we went to springvale to eat pho ;D i tried the bubble tea there...AND IT TASTES LIKE SHIET! no wonder it was worth 2 dollars only T__T lmaos, my family bought like, 100 bucks worth of pirated dvds after xDD then, we went to crown casino ;D we walked around the casino and went to the games arcade ;D me and harvard went on this ride and it was fun ass! after, we went to see the fires and then, back off to home it was!

day 3: woke up at around, 7ish? and we took off to victoria market. then the families then split up. my family and aaron's family walked to chinatown and had yum cha ;D victoria market was too crap for our likings xD then we walked back to victoria market to meet up with the others. we then drove to costco. :) walked around a bit, and then went to harbour town instead cos it was craap <__< anyways, we spent awhile in harbour town, then after, we went to a restaurant to eat. after that, we stayed in the motel. 

day 4: we woke up bright and early to go to adventure park! it was around a 1 and a half hr drive there xD when we finally arrived there, we payed the entry fees and got a stamp. and apparantely the stamp was "water-proof". LIES MAN! <_< first we went on the paddle boats. i wen on with my sister and sandra :D then, we went on the other water stuff. water was freezing ass! went on three water slides. fun ass! after that, krystal, sherry, harvard, sandra and i went canoeing. me and sandra's boat nearly fell over cos krystal and sherry's boat hit us T___T after a long day in the water, we got changed and went to a restaurant to eat. then, we went back to the motel and packed up some of our stuff and for tmr.

day 5: we packed up everything to go back home and we hit the road at 7! 

i wanna go back to melbourne again! we didnt have a proper cruise around the city!

pictures broo ;D

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reports are gay little pieces of shiet

Term 1: 5 A's 2 B's

Term 2: 4 A's 3 B's

Term 3: STRAIGHT A'S ^^

Term 4: 6 A's 1B

Im Bored, deal with it

Who are you liking?

Who is your best friend?
amy tran, stella cheng, michelle lieu ;)

Who makes you happy?

Who is your favorite family member on your mom's side?
kelly diec

Who is your favorite family member on your dad's side?
too many to choose from

Who are you closest to?

Who do you tell your secrets to?
amy tran, michelle lieu

Who were you with last night?

Who do you live with?


What's your full name?
Yvonne Ha Ha Ha

What's your birth date?
On november he tenth of nineteen ninety five

What's your favourite color?
bahlue ;D

What's your favourite sport?
swimming la~

What's your favourite number?
lucky number 7

What do you do in your spare time?

suck blood MWAHHAHA

What are your pets names?

What's your favorite song?
too many matee

What's your favorite TV show?
vampire knight ;)

What's your favorite movie?
too many.

What vehicles do your parents drive?
a bicycle. with four wheels

Where were you on your last birthday?
town, ttp, torrens

Where do you live?
up your mighty ass

Where do you want to live?
up HIS mighty ass

Where was your last vacation to?
the united statse of america ;)

Where did you go in a car last?
like, since...never

Where do your grandparents live?
adelaide, america, heaven

Where do you want to go to college?
harvard university ;) /i wish

Where is your heart?
in my body around the blood thingo, that pumps the heart thingo

When did/will you graduate?
when i am a 12th grader

When do you want to get married?
when i am fully prepared and ready

When are you happy?
when i have a smile on my face

When did you cry last?
when you askk? when there were tears going down my face

When are you moving next?
very very very...not soon

When are you going to bed?
when im ready

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
3 secs ago

Why do you think you were born?
cos im cool (H)

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?
who do you think i am?

Why are you stressed?
why am i not stressed?
Why is MySpace so addictive?
why is facebook so addictive?

Why are you bored?

cos i have shitty holidays

Music of Life (L)

1. Put your iTunes on shuffle.
2. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

- - - - -

How am I feeling today?
Beautiful Life - DBSK

Where will I get married?
Yes - Tynisha Keli

What is my best friend's theme song?
Wonderful - Big Bang

What is highschool like?
Don't You Remember - DJ Harrison

What is the best thing about me?
I Love You But - Jeremy Thurber

How is today going to be?
Replay - Sean Kingston

What is in store for this weekend?
Your Wish - Metro City

What song describes my parents?
September 1st - Kana Nishino

How is my life going?
2 Late 4 Us - Chrishan

What song will they play at my funeral?
This Letter - Maliq

How does the world see me?
Because of You - After School

What do my friends really think of me?

2 High - K-OTIC

Do people secretly lust after me?
My Everything - Tynisha Keli

How can I make myself happy?

Call Me - Tae Goon

What should I do with my life?
Let Me Hear Your Voice - Big Bang

Will I ever have children?
All Night Long - 2PM

What is some good advice?

Right Here Waiting - White Dawg

What do I think my current theme song is?

Birthday Sex - Jeremih

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?

Not A Lover - Jenson Vaughan
What type of men do you like?
I Hate You - 2PM

What should I do with my love life?
Make it to the End - Stevie Hoang

Where will you live?

Like An Iceberg - Claude Kelly

What will your dying words be?
Christmas in Cali - K-Young

I'm talking about candle light dinners

i am bored ass! T_____T
no that i want to talk to are on msn <___<'

suck balls lick my balls i aint got no balls

sometimes i think, how can people be screwed to bold or italic or strike or colour words T____T
seriously, its soo annoying T____T
im finding it HELl annoying right now goddamn

so well, anyways?
how was my day today?
shiett ass T____T
i needa get outta my house! 

7 more days till christmas  woohoo! 

i show my passion the the world /coughblog

Thursday, December 17, 2009

effing annoying people seriously!
i hate little kids

Trebuchet is a good font ;D

We be in the bed, yeah, effing like it's going outta style

eff man, bored ass T____T
im capped soon D:
effing miss cherie and katy D:

my holidays are fantabalicious so far ;D

i needa get outta my house D:
it's a hell hole 

i got the jingle jingle jingle jingle bell ;D

cya buddy! ;)

Girl you make me feel, like Ive found the one, I think you're the one

girl you make me feel
like i found the one, i think you're the one
you make me feel
so incredible baby, the way you make me feel
so unexplainable just what i'm looking for
you make me (ey ey)
you make me feel (ey)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ay bay bay

weather is hot ass! T____T
frigging hell! i hate summer x]

anyway, let me get on with my day :) 
i went to the beach chyeah ;)

well, let's see...i started off my day by doing the...usual stuff :)
and at 12 35, i went to catch the bus
stupid bus came late T__T
it arrived at like 12 50, which made me late x]
everyone already arrived and MINHTAN was raging at me cos i was late x]
after that, we went to wait for the tram :)
me and michelle were smart so we went to the shaddy bit and got on the tram when it came ;)
brandon then called me saying that they weren't on the tram
i thought he was bullshitting LOL.
and i was like, "ohh, sucked in! how sad! we'll meet you there then" LOOL
bahaha, then i realised they weren't bullshitting /whoops
about like, one hr later, me and michelle FINALLY arrived at glenelg <___<
then we waited for the rest at macca's :)

when they FINALLY arrived, katherine took us to the secret beach ;)
frigging long ass walk to there! <____<
me and michelle went all high on our soft serves LOL!
funny shiett
after, we started mucking around there;)
we kept begging brandon to get in the water :)
but he ended up going in the water :)
with his jeans on...O_O
and his top off! LOL
yeah, and then brenden got tripped in the water and got his whole body wet, and then took his top off 
ok, im getting into a bit much detail here O_O
fast forwarding >>>>>
after that, we all seperated and me and michelle took the tram back to town ;)

when i got back home, i had a nice, long, shower ;)

pics matee~~

Monday, December 14, 2009


i went to movies today ;D
to watch paranormal activity D:

anyways, i started off with my day by doing the usual stuff, breakfast, brushing teeth, hair etc.
yeah, and then at 1 40ish, i caught the bus to rundle ;D
and i arrived at around 2 ish xD
saw ming, david and roman in front of darrells :)
then, we met with djamila, michelle and minhtan
after that, we went to the myer food court :)
me and djamila ditched them to go to morning glory hehe xD
after that, we walked around crap and stuff, yeah
then around 3 30ish we walked to palace nova to watch paranormal activity

anyways, let me skip to the movie :)
it wasnt as scary as i thought it wouldve been xD
it was still scary though D:
i turned my iPod full blast at some parts though xDD

yeah, after the movie, we went back to rundle :)
and yeah, walked around, even though everything was closing
and then, caught bus home :)

Friday, December 11, 2009


i couldn't be effed blogging yesterday x]
so yesterday, i went to visit para hills again with michelle ;)
i went to michelle's house around...12 30 xD
yeah, and like, looked through her dad's porno LOL
then, we walked to para hills ;)

we went to the office to get a visitor's badge, &&i saw julie's name on that roll book thingo and yeah, i knew she was here xD
then we went to mr.walker's class
they were eating lunch!
yeah, michelle asked if julie was here and mr. walker asked what was her last name, and MICHELLE didn't know how to pronounce it T__T
yeah, some friend she is xDD
after, we talked and stuff to him
and then went outside to talk to mrs. kreft since it was her last year at para hills :(

their lunch time seemed soo quick O_________O
yeah, anyways, after lunch, we went to the gym to play skittles
i only played one game cos yeah, i sukced and i wasnt wearing approriate shoes xDD
after that, me michelle and julie wondered around the school

we went to the toilets and recorded julie "shuffling" LOL
funny shiet :P

after school, we went to library and craap :)
then after, i went back to michelle's house 

okay, anyways, TODAY is going to be a shiet ass boring day T_________T
i was meant to go watch new moon with michelle and katherine, but it got cancelled cos me and michelle couldn't be screwed xDD
well, tatas~ 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Bday Cherie!

best day ever! 
my days of year 8 are finally over! woo! 
not T_________T 
im gonna miss my year 8 oh soo much =(
had soo many memories! and it was oh soo fun! ^^
year 8 camp mann /sighs
and i made many, many, many, MANY friends xDD

well, today i woke up at like, 6 30ish? xDD and i did the usualy stuff =)
then, caught the 8 'o clock bus to school =)
i had to carry a cake to school cos i made it for anita's bday present x]
anyways, i met up with minhtan at the bus swtop, and i begged him if we could bus it to school, so we did =)

yeah, anyway, in session 1, we had to mark our lteracy test from the day before T______T 
then, in session 2, the whole class had to prepare for this...work presentation thingo xDD
lmaos, it was HELL fun xDD
i kept going around everyone to take a photo =)
oh, and to sign my year book LOLOL xDD
i'll miss my class
we mucked around like...HEAPS! D:

yeah, then in session 3, we had to show our five pieces of work to our parents.
since my parents didnt come, i had to show it to the teachers x]
i got my report after i showed them =) OH EM GEE! SO FRIGGING PISSED I GOT 6 A'S AND ONE yes ONE B GRR! STAB SCIENCE :@ GRR GRR GRR

after that, i got to leave =)

so i quickly texted cherie telling her that i was on my way to town =)

omg, i waited for like...agees T______T

and she texted me saying her friend, charmane i think? xDD was there
yeah, then we talked and talked and talked until cherie was here =)
she was ONE hour late xDD LOL
yeah, then we walked around town, and then took sticker photos in hindley =)
and after that, i met her other glenunga friends =)
don't remember all their names though xDD
yeah, then we went to myer food court to wait for danny =)
after that, we ate and crap xDD
when we finished eating, i went to my bus stop because they were going to karaoke and i didnt want to since i was broke xDD 
so yeah, that basically was my day =)

To Sis Cherie:
HAPPY 15TH BDAY! May all your wishes come true and I hope you had a WONDERFUL day! xDD
I hope you liked the cookie bear I gave you ^^
Well, by the looks of today, I'm pretty sure you did :L
Best wishes for the future and stay young ;D *that's not really possible but, anything is possible...if you just beleive ;D

 oh nine mems <3

 sticker photos ;D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

eew, my layout T_____T

I don't like the layout I have right now
Why don't you change it?
OHHH! what a great idea!
gee...you're lame <__<'
oh shoosh ==

Pew Pew Pew Bang!

note to self: do NOT apply moose to hair T_______T

yes, anyways, i bought myself a can of moose yesterday :)
and tried it on today, and it is crap ass on my hair T____________T

she gonna look soo fine ;)
cant wait mann! ^^
/sigh, i remember my graduation LOL
i burnt my hand with the curler on that day because of sandra >=(
bahahaha! good memories ;D

lmaos, i watched titanic last night ;D
me and my sistarrh cherie were talking about it on msn LMAOS!
the car bit ;D OH OH OH!

(10:23 PM) (F)c e e ;   (^):
but lucky it's only a lil bitt
oh ohh

(10:23 PM) (F)c e e ;   (^):
back to the car

(10:24 PM)vonpire♥: -      
whoah! so...foggy

(10:24 PM) (F)c e e ;   (^):
i knoww
why is itt
is itt because itr's cold?

(10:24 PM)vonpire♥: -      
maybe its cos...there's a lot of breathing process while they...you know

(10:24 PM) (F)c e e ;   (^):
wow sis you knowww itt more than mee

(10:25 PM)vonpire♥: -      
i pay attention to sex ed

gawdd, i love talking to my sis ;D

hehehe xDD

wow, this post is sooo random O_____O like DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF IS WRONG WITH ME??!?! O________O

anyways, i was about to play the piano, but yeah, comp distracted xDDD
i'll go on laterr /shifty

well, i should end this post now

071209 cn&jn ;D
081209 sischerie ^^

my new dp;

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Highlight of Today
- Seeing Year 7s

OMG! YEAR 7's CAME TODAY D:! some of them were cute, but some where just....>____>'
ANYWAY! yeah, today, was actually quite boring -.-
watched night at the museum for maths ;D
and for jap...WE HAD MR.REHOREK AGAIN ^^
only for relief though =/
ahh god, i missed him as a teacher, his lessons were such a...bludge ^^ LOL
anyways, we watched this jap movie called 'swinging girls' or sthing xD
kinda weird, and one of the characters pissed me off soo badd T_T
but yeah, ANYWAYS, year 7s are coming tmr again! ^^

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Highlights of Today;
- Sose *such a bludge, watched a movie, and fell asleep T_______T
- Lunch *TRIED to sleep but michelle doesn't make a good pillow T________T
- Chinese *looked through david's year book, asked if i could sign it, but he rejected T______T
- Msn-ing with amy :L *because of me, she's scarred for life BWAHHAHAHA

It hurts to see you guys like this, although this has no concern or whatsover about me :(
I really wanna help you guys get back to the way things use to be,
In my eyes, your friendship is a unique and different kind of friendship, and it's a waste to just throw it all down the sea