
    Hi, my name's Yvonne the Ha /shakes hand. I like making friends :) I like being happy and cheerful cos it makes life easier :D I like sharing cos it's caring :D I like being nice cos you get treated better :D I like music cos I love it and it puts me to sleep at night :D
When I grow up, I wanna speak Japanese fluently, become a millionaire, have a nice wedding in the future and travel the world!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sup shawty? ;)

i seriously CBF CE BEE EFF blogging now! T_______T
cos my life is shit ass and basically all about school, and school's boring yeah...so you get my drift right? x]
wells, ummmmmm, because of jeremiah, im kinda into vampires now x]

but like, not twilight vampires, anime ;)
told me to draw a pic of a vampire for him, i'll prob trace it cos im lazy xD, oh and plus i SUCK at drawing xD

today was boring and not worth blogging =/

chyea ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

gee, haven't been blogging much now =/
well, im too lazy too, and plus there's not much to blog about x]

anyways, today i had a chinese excursion to the adelaide festival centre to see this oz asia festival art exhibition thingo xD
it was shit ass boring though T________T
even teacher said it was xD

neways, after that, me, jenny, mei-ling and michelle went on paddle boats ;D
and the rest of the class got dismissed
hell funn ;D
but jenny kept asking these questions to the guy before we got on T________T
5 mins later, we finally got onto the paddle boats
HELL fun
but the swans kept going near me T_________T
i got hell scared, started screaming and crap x]
me and michelle kept bumping into jenny and mei-ling xD

anyways, after that, went to hindley to take sticker photos :)

some pics here mate:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

dayummmm, haven't blogged for like...YOINKSTERS O_______O
well yeah, i set myself a challenge to not go on the net for like, a week x]
HELL hard though, it was so tempting to go on, BUT I SUCCEEDED ;D

anywys, i seriously cbf blogging,

last friday was casual day
here's a pic of me nd jenny, my mister ;) :

well, cya blog

Thursday, October 15, 2009

brenden is my best-best friend :)
bonnie is my ex-best-best friend :)
amy is my best-friend :)
jenny is my mister :)
katy is my ex-twin :)
michelle is my husband :)

YOINKS! haven't blogged since...basically last week x]
well, there isn't ANYTHING to blog about xD
well, let me just blog about today

woke up at about...6 15ish x]
then washed my face and made my hair, the usual stuff
got dressed and made breakfast :)

mummay drove me to the bus stop, and i waited for the bus :)
it was HELL cold though
and the wind kept frigging messing up my hair >:(

well, when i got off, i went to the bus stop where i usually meet minhtan, and sometimes jasmine.
yeah, neways, saw minhtan's new phone
it was HELL good and sexy ;)
LMAO! sexy weird word to describe a phone xD

neways, first lesson was chinese T________T
felt like it went on forever !!
rest of the day was boring... lunch so yeah i'll skip to lunch
at lunch we stayed in the corridor cos it was too cold to go outside x]
but we got kicked out though
so we went outside
amy was interviewing me for this english thing im guessing, about life as a teenager/giggles

then at maths, i went all high cos i was around michelle xD
we were doing our work ,then i asked this..really, REALLY random/stupid question..."i hate the smell of unwashed hair" XD
and she just gave me this weird look like i was some kind of idiot xD
and she was like "umm, yvonne, no one likes stinky hair" xD
then i kept asking everyone to see what they're reaction was, but then everyone's like, does my hair stink? i washed it though LMAO!
anyway, that's basically my day xD

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday 9th october: ice-skating; towning

wow, i haven't blogged in awhile x]
well, let me blog about friday cos it's...awesome xD
oh btw, there's no pics, forgot to take some x] sorry!

anwyays, woke up at like around 8ish and did the usual stuff, 
then i got dressed and packed my bag and mummay drove me to stella's house 
when i got there, eng was also at stella's too.
we wallked to the bus stop and caught the 411 to mawsons.
then we caught the train and took another bus and arrived at ice-skating
only skated for like 40 mins then we went to town because jenny had to go at 4
waste of my 15 bucks! >=(
oh well =/
anwyays, went to town and quickly went to food court cos everyone was HELL hungry
after that, went to mg at hindley st, yes, hindley st to take sticker photos
took two sets =)
it was HELL squishy though cos there was like eight people x]
after that, we bummed around town and then went to river torrens to go paddle boating
when we got there, jenny had to go back to the ice-arena cos she had to get picked up there at 4
so me and stella took her to the bus stop to catch the bus back to ice-arena. 
when we got back to river torrens, lan didn't want to go paddle boating anymore, which made everyone else not want to  >=(
so we went back and bummed around town again
at around 4ish, me eng and stella went to catch the train back to parafield
but we took one more set of stickies at hindley
and then we trained it back to mawsons
when i got back to stella's, we wanted to go to daniel's party
her dad drove us there  /we only wanted to go cos of the food x]
omg, but i regretted going there soo much because there wasn't much food left and there all these little kids T_______________T
ah wells, besides that party, everything was good =]

cya blog

/i cbf blogging everyday now xD

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

today was BORING! =="
well, nothing to blog about
umm, stayed on comp basically whole day xD
downloaded some songs and im HELL addicted to them D:
and MY IPOD FROZE >:( but it's working again ^^
well neways, bored as today that i took some pics; noob edits:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Movies ;)

Today was funn :)
didn't take any pics though x]
anyways, i went to the movies with daivd, amy and katy today :)
LOL, david was the only guy
he was like a pimp xD
but back to the story, i came late D:
was suppose to arrive at like 1:15, but i arrived at 1:30 instead xD
when i got to piccadilly cinemas, i saw david, amy and katy sitting there waiting for me xD
anyways, when i saw them i gave katy and amy a hug :)
and then we went to buy the tickets for g-force :)
then we went to buy popcorn and drinks. amy, katy and i chipped in to buy a large combo and shared it
david bought himself a drink
i offered him popcorn, but he kept rejecting x]
when we found our seats and sat down, i asked david for some popcorn, but he rejected...AGAIN D:!
me and amy started laughing like HELL
our faces went all red xD
i was stuffing my face with popcorn x]
so amy and katy took the popcorn away from me :(
i kept offering david some popcorn..BUT HE REJECTED EVERY SINGLE TIME >=[
katy went all high on popcorn xD
during the movie, she was the only one laughing and me and amy were like staying away from her xD
when the movies ended, we got outside to wait to get picked up :)
anywayss, i was the first to get picked up x]

when i got home, i watched some dramas
and then i went on msn and started playing with these sounds on msn with stellar :)
well, mostly mee xD
but it was HELL funny, couldn't stop myself from laughing xDD
anyways, that was my day today :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

oops >< i forgot to blog about yesterday xD
/shame on mee
well, let me tell you about what happened yesterday :)

yes, as you can tell, im HELL happy that i got my shorts ^^
anyways, it was the one that julie found at jay jays ^^ yesterday, i had a look at them and i thought that they were blue xD
but then, today i had a look at them again, and they look like they're black xD
gahh,so confused on what colour they are


anyways, mummy brought me to tea tree plaza yesterday cos she said i needed to buy more clothes because ive gone fat xD
nahh, she didn't say that /shifty
ANYWAY, we went into jay jays, and i found those shorts
asked my mum if i could get it
she looked at the price tag to see that it was $30 and started complaining about how expensive it was --'
/typical asian parents
xD but, she ended up buying them anyway
ooh, and she bought me these skinny jeans which were only like $15 and this cardigan thingo xD

here's a pic of the shorts and the cardigan :

anyways let me blog about my day so far :)
anyway, i woke up and started watching romantic princess
i got HELL addicted to it and watched it till like 10:30 xD
and then, i started fixing my hair and getting changed because my parents are taking me to harbor town ^o)

anyways, ttyl :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

ooh, and these ;)

i DESPERATELY want these shoes D:!

today was very boring, was suppose to go to glenelg with michelle and then, but i stayed him cos mummay didn't let me go >______<
well, anyways, i was really bored so i edited some pics
here's a really noob edited one:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Towning; Sushi Train; Ice-skating /high lights of the day

best day of the week! and prob the best day in the whole holidays! omg, a day i'll never forget! anyways. lettme get on about it

first, i woke up at like 8 xD
and made myself breakfast
then i started getting ready for my day off :D!
straightened my hair, then changed, then packed my bag (wallet, phone, yeah xD)
left the house at around 11 o'cclock and mummy drove me to the ice-arena where i saw stella and her friend jana and nancy. then we walked to the ice arena together where we met eng and her friends
omg, so scary when we were walking because like we saw a bunch of bees on the floor! i was HELL scared and like quickly went on the road and nearly got hit by a car! xD
but stella saved my life /cough

well neways, started skating for like 20 mins and my feet already started hurting xD.i met julie and carol and ran up to them and gave them a hug ;D
lol, we started skating and then at like around 2 me and julie begged carol to go to town.
and then we caught the 113 to go to town with stella and her friends jana and nancy ;D
we went to cutie and took sticker photos but they turned out crap D:!
after that, me julie and carol went to sushi train for lunch.
zomg! the sushi there was HELL nice
especially octopus balls (ok, that sounded wrong) and the mango ice-cream /MASSIVE DROOLS
here are some pics :

oh, and here is a pic of the lids of the mango ice-cream:

then we trammed it back to rundle mall and went into myers to find a dress for julie for this b-day party
julie then told me and carol to go on the lifts .she told us to jump because it was fun,
it was kinda scary though xD
and then julie made the lift go down to the very lat level. it was HELL scary because it was all dark xD

&&then we went to this bags shop, forgot what it's called xD
and, julie found this clear umbrella which looked HELL nice and asian ;)
we loved it soo much that we took a pic of it :

after that, we went into the clothes shop to find clothes for julie
she is SOO picky in choosing T___T
we went into jay jays and i found this really cute high top shorts which i was DESPEREATE to get
well actually, julie found them for me =/
she found a really cute skirt with a bow on it ^^
too bad it was too big for her and they didn't have a smaller size :P
we were window shopping till like 5 xD
oh, and i also found these HELL cute high top shorts at valley girl. and im desperate to buy them aswell! D:

&&then we went to mg to take sticker photos, but we were like HELL tired and couldn't be screwed to decorate
well, we did decorate them but didn't take that long, when we got outta mg it was hell dark xD
me and julie were hell thirsty so we ran back to boost to get a drink x]

and then we walked to the end of rundle mall
julie and carol missed the tram so they ran for it and ditched me T____T
&& i walked by myself to my bus stop
i came home at around 6 and had only $4 left xD
ah wells, i had a fun day :D